Help TTP Know You Better

Gender *

Male, Female or other. Kindly state

Age *

Age in Years

Email *


Charistmatic, Presbyterian or other. Kindly state

Country of residence *

How did you hear about the Timothy Project? *

Please select all that apply

Which social media platform are you most active on? *

Please select all that apply

On which social media platform do you usually find our content? *

Please select all that apply

Have you visited our website? *

If yes, how would you describe the ease of use of the website? (On a scale of 1 to 5, one being very difficult and 5 being very easy)

Which blog post/series is your favorite? Why?

Do you find the blog posts easy to understand? (If not, what can we do to make it easy to understand?)

Has our content increased your Biblical knowledge?

Has our content helped you mature in your walk with God?

What topics would you like us to address next in our upcoming blog posts?

Have you subscribed to our podcast? *

Which podcast platform do you use?

How often do you listen to our podcast? (On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being least frequent and 5 being very frequent) *

Which episode is your favorite and why?

Do the podcasts help you better understand topics treated in our blog posts?

What are some areas you can suggest improvements in?

Created with Perfect Survey

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